Friday, 2 August 2013

The Beginning

I suggest you read love letters or at least the last chapter before reading the rest of this, moving on... So this is a few months later, nothing big really happened. They moved to a different area and into a bigger house, Drake got a better job and Nicki was promoted. The story begins on a Friday afternoon. 

Nicki was in the conservatory looking out the windows reading a note and looking up every once in awhile to watch Alexa play. Alexa had a few friends over and they were having a 'tea party' in the back garden. Drake had just finished his paperwork and decided to go downstairs, he went straight to the conservatory as he knew that's where Nicki would be and saw her reading. 

I can't promise you that dark clouds will never hover over our lives 
or that the future will bring us many rainbows. I can't promise you that tomorrow will be perfect or that life will be easy. I can promise you my everlasting devotion, my loyalty, my respect, and my unconditional love for a lifetime. I can promise,

He snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her instead of getting shaken up, she leaned back on him.

Nicki looked up at him before speaking, "Why do you always do that? It doesn't scare me anymore"

"I never did it to scare you, I just like hugging you from behind"

"What's that in your hand?" Drake took the paper from her.

"One of those letters you wrote for me, now give it back!" He lifted it high above her head.

"You've read this one a billion times, find something else to read"

"No, this one is my favourite" She tried to get it back but was failing miserably. They had a bit of a fight trying to get the paper, Nicki pulled Drake's arm and heard a ripping sound. With wide eyes, she let go and Drake ran off with the paper still firmly in his hands.

"I'm not running after you so you can forget it!" She shouted at him and then frowned.

While that was happening, Alexa's tea party was going well until she heard a stomach rumble.

"I'm hungry" Jessica, one of Alexa's friends said.

"Me too" Danielle said.

"What about I ask my mummy if she will make us sandwiches?" Alexa said and after her friends nodded at her, she went to the conservatory door, opened it and walked inside.

"Mummy?" Alexa said and sat next to her mother. 

"Yes Lexie?" 

"Can you make us some sandwiches?"

"What's the magic word?"


"What sandwiches should I make?"


"Just jam?"


"Okay" Nicki got up from the couch she was sitting on and went to the kitchen. It didn't take her long to make the sandwiches and to cut them in squares.

She went to go get Alexa and her friends. "Sandwiches are ready! Bring in the tea set please" Alexa picked up the cups and plates then the three children ran inside, she handed the set to her mother and went straight to the kitchen with the others. By the time Nicki had put the set away and got back to the kitchen, they had eaten half of the twelve sandwiches.

They must have been hungry.

Drake was about to walk to walk into the kitchen when he noticed the kids and Nicki, he watched her in awe as he saw her interact with them.

She is such a good mother.

He went back upstairs to put the letter back in its place. Just after the children had finished eating, the doorbell rang.

"Wait here, okay?" Nicki went to the door and locked through the peephole when she recognised how it was, she opened the door.

'Hello, is Jessica ready?"

"Yes, she's just in the kitchen" Nicki closed the door and walked towards the kitchen with Jessica's mum behind her.

"Mummy!" Jessica hopped of the seat and ran to hug her mother.

"Did you have fun?"


"Want to get your stuff so we can get going?" Jessica ran off to get her belongings.

"Thank you for having her"

"Oh, she was no bother" She smiled. The doorbell rang again and Nicki went to answer it. She immediately opened it, knowing who it would be.

"Hey, I'm-"

"Yeah, I'll go get her for you" Nicki took another trip to the kitchen. "Danielle, your mummy's here. Go and get your bag" Danielle did as she was told. When she came back, Nicki led her to the door where her mother was there waiting.

"I hope she wasn't too much trouble"

"Don't worry, she wasn't"

Jessica and her mum walked out the kitchen shortly after. "Say goodbye"

"Bye bye" Jessica said. After they said goodbye, Nicki led them all to the door.

"Bye" Alexa put her arms up and Nicki lifted her balancing her on her hip. She waved goodbye as well and Nicki shut the door.

"Did you have fun?"

Alexa tiredly nodded at her, resting her head on her shoulder. "Are you tired?"

Alexa nodded again. Before she had reached the top step, Nicki could hear little snores. As soon as she got to Alexa's room, she put on Alexa's pyjamas knowing she would probably sleep throughout the rest of the day. After laying her down, Nicki switched on her bedside lights then turned off the main light and exited the room.


Nicki went to the living room and disturbed Drake from watching the game. "Dinners ready"

Drake sighed and got up. He followed Nicki to the kitchen and took a seat at the table. After his plate was placed in front of him, he waited for his wife to sit down before he picked up his knife and fork.

They ate in silence until Nicki decided to break it. "What have you been doing today?"

"Just finishing my paperwork, I'm starting to regret having this job"

"You shouldn't you know, you get paid well and they were able to balance your working hours around Alexa and stuff"

"But still, the work they give me is too much and then they complain when I come go to work tired"

"Have you tried telling your boss?"


"Tomorrow, go and ask him if he could cut down on the amount of paperwork you get. You never know"

"See this is why I married you, you always know what to say and do" Nicki gave him a slight smile.

After they finished, Drake told Nicki to go have a bath while he washed up the dishes. After watching the end of the basketball game, Drake turned off the TV and went upstairs to the bedroom he shared. Nicki was still occupying their bathroom slightly he went to shower in the other bathroom. When he got out and put on his boxers, she was still in the bathroom.


He climbed into bed and grabbed his book and started reading. A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened and out came Nicki. She went to grab a top for her to sleep in and climbed into bed too. After reading the end of the page he was reading, Drake put the bookmark back in the book and set it down on the bedside table.

Drake took off his reading glasses and set them down too. "You're really good with children"

"Thanks, with my years of experience I hope I would be" A laugh escaped her lips.

"Have you ever thought of having another one?"

"Babe, we literally just had Alexa"

"Almost 4 years ago"

"I thought we discussed this,"

"We did. Just after I saw you earlier with Alexa and her friends, it made me think"

"Of what?"

"How good you would be if we had another daughter or son even"

"Just give me some time, okay?" Drake nodded and turned off the light. He pulled Nicki closer to him and held onto her tight as he drifted off to sleep.

Not even an hour later, Drake heard footsteps outside the bedroom door. The door slowly opened and Alexa stood there rubbing her eye with one hand and holding Mr. Cuddles in the other.

"Daddy, I can't sleep"

Drake sat up in bed and looked at her. "Want to sleep in here?"

She nodded and closed the door behind her. Nicki had woken up during that time and moved over so Alexa could sleep between them.


Nicki woke up movement and faint noises. She opened one eye and saw Alexa jumping up and down.

"Mummy!" It's too early for this.

She tried to get back to sleep but it wasn't working. "I'm hungry!"

"Give me five minutes" Nicki mumbled with her eyes shut. Alexa stopped jumping and flopped down on the bed.

Finally some quiet.

Alexa stared at her mother waiting for the five minutes to be over still not knowing how time worked properly.

"It's been five minutes!"

"No it hasn't"

"It has, mummy"

Nicki opened her eyes and turned to look at the clock that sat on the bedside table. It read 9:02.

"You see this, wake me up when the little hand is at the 5"


Knowing she would not get back to sleep, Nicki closed her eyes and tried to relax. She felt tugging on her arm.

"Mummy" Alexa whined.

"I'm up" Nicki finally fully worked up. "Have you brushed your teeth yet?"


"Go and brush your teeth then come back here and I'll make us some breakfast" Alexa climbed down from the bed and ran to the bathroom. Nicki stretched and went to her bathroom, just as she came out Alexa was stood outside the door smiling.

"You finished fast" They went downstairs to the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Can I have oatmeal please?"

"Yes, you can" Nicki grabbed the oatmeal out the cupboard and got up a small bowl. After pouring a reasonable amount into the bowl, she got the milk from the fridge. After pouring in the milk, she put the bowl in the microwave and heated it for 2 minutes.

"Do you want some juice?"

"Yes please" Nicki got out Alexa's favourite drink which was apple juice and poured some into her favourite cup. She placed the cup in front of Alexa and went to check on her oatmeal.

A few seconds later, the microwave chimed and Nicki took the bowl out. After giving it a quick stir, she set it in front of her daughter.

"Don't eat it yet, it's hot" She then went to make herself some breakfast, a cup of tea and 2 slices of toast. She sat down around the table and ate it.

Afterwards, they had both finished eating. Nicki put on the TV and let Alexa watch it while she cleaned up the kitchen and then went to run Alexa's bath.

"Lexie, come and have your bath"

"Okay" Alexa used the remote and turned off the TV. She ran upstairs straight up to the bathroom.

"I'm going to get you a towel, don't get into the bath yet" Alexa stayed put and Nicki went go get a towel. When she came back, Alexa was in the same spot she left her in. After placing the towel on the rack, Nicki waited for Alexa to get undressed and helped her to get into the bath.

She stayed in the bath for a while before Nicki decided it was time for her to come out. Alexa picked out her own outfit and got dressed. 

"How do you want your hair?" 

Alexa shrugged her shoulders.

"What about this?" Nicki put Alexa's hair in a ponytail.


"This?" Nicki took out Alexa's ponytail and placed a headband on her head.

Alexa nodded smiling.

After Nicki sent Alexa downstairs to watch some more TV while she got showered and dressed. When she finished, she contemplated how she should wear her hair. After deciding on leaving it down with a middle parting, Nicki grabbed her bag and went downstairs to Alexa. She gave her her coat and helped her put it on.

"First we're going to the supermarket and then we're going to see Nana and papa" Nicki told her.

"Yay!" Alexa clapped.


In the supermarket, Nicki made sure Alexa was by her side at all times. They only went to pick up a few groceries so it didn't take them long.

"Mummy" Alexa asked when they reached the checkout.

"Yes?" Nicki emptied the contents of her grocery basket onto the till.

"Can I have a chocolate bar?"

"Yes but you have to wait till we get to Nana's and papa's to eat it, okay?" Alexa grabbed one and handed it to Nicki and she put it with the other groceries.

After paying, they went to the car park. Nicki put Alexa into her boaster seat and securely locked her in. She put her shopping bags in the boot and shut it before getting into the driver's seat and setting off. Half an hour later, she pulled up outside her parent's house. Alexa was very excited, she was clapping her hands. Nicki got her out, locked the car and they walked up to the house.

Carol heard the doorbell ring and thought who could be ringing her doorbell at this time of day. She opened it and was surprised to see who was on the other side.

"Nana!" Alexa shouted and Carol crouched down and opened her arms ready for her to run into them.

"Hello there" Carol stood up with Alexa still firmly in her arms and balanced her on her hip. She stepped back so Nicki could walk in and closed the door before following her to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"How have you been?" Carol asked and Alexa got comfortable on her lap.

"Good, where's dad?" Nicki put her bag down on the floor next to her.

"He's outside, like always. Do you want something to eat?"

"No thank you"

"What about you, misses?"

"No, drink please"

"And what drink do you want?" She placed Alexa on her feet and made her way to the kitchen.

"The orange one" Alexa said following her.

"Alrighty then" Carol got out one of the sippy cups she had especially for when Alexa came over. She poured the orange juice into the cup and put the lid back on and made sure it was on tight before she gave it to her granddaughter.

"Thank you" Alexa sipped some before she went back to the living room. While Nicki and Carol were talking, Micaiah came down the stairs.

"Mum, I just won on," He stopped talking when he noticed his sister. "Nicki!" He said and ran to hug her.

Nicki released him from the hug and he sat down next to her. "Hello lambchop, are you okay?"

"Yeah, guess what?"


"I got a B in my maths test" He knew she loved to hear who well he was doing in school, she really motivated him to do his best.

"Really? I am so proud of you" Nicki smiled. The patio door opened and Robert walked in and shut the door behind him.

He gasped. "Is that my daughter and granddaughter?"

"Yes it is" Nicki got up and went to hug her father. He walked over to the rest of them and stood in front of Alexa.

"Are you going to give papa a hug?" Alexa looked at her mother and after receiving a nod, she gave Robert a big hug.

"Aww, that's why you're my favourite"

"What? You said I was your favourite" Nicki crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him.

They spent another few hours there before Alexa got tired and was ready to go home. After saying goodbye, Nicki put her bag on her shoulder and picked up Alexa.

"I'll see you next week for Alexa's birthday"

"Oh that reminds me, I need to get her a present"

"Well she getting moangy so I better get home fast"

"Alright, bye. Take care" Carol waved and closed the door.


When Nicki got home, she put Alexa in her bed and changed her jeans into some sweats. She went into the fridge and got out the leftover macaroni and cheese from the night before. After heating it up, Nicki put the plate on a tray and went to watch some TV in her bedroom as she ate.

It's almost 5 and I'm so bored.

She returned her plate downstairs, washed it and put the tray back where it came from. After doing that, Nicki went back to the bedroom to retrieve her phone.

My Wife: I miss u. 
Hubby : I miss you too, should be home in a bit.
My Wife: I'll be waiting ;)
Hubby : Don't start if you're not gonna finish.
My Wife: Don't worry, I will finish this time ;p

When Drake arrived home, he saw that the house was dark except their bedroom light. After pulling his keys out the ignition, he grabbed his briefcase and get out the car. He locked it and ran up to his house. Once he reached the bedroom and opened the door, he saw Nicki clad in her bra and panties on her laptop. She hadn't noticed he came home. Not wanting to say anything, Drake grabbed the laptop and closed it setting on the bedside table. 

"Well hello, Mr Graham" Nicki seductively said looking at him licking her lips. She crawled towards him and pulled his tie bringing him closer to her. She forcefully kissed him and he kissed her back deepening it. She pushed his jacket off him and ran her hands down his body before unbuckling his belt. 


  1. Awwww :D That was so sweet. Like the perfect love story. I gotta say Im excited to see what your bring with this story :) Im sure whatever it is it'll be great! Im loving the family and Alexa is so adorable and Drake is so grown and sexy now... mmm Good job xoxo

  2. They have a cute little family.. & I wonder why Nic needs time before she wants another kid.. I liked his letter I see why its her favorite its sweet. I do wanna see where your going with this, its perfect :)

  3. I'm glad you made a sequel! I'm already loving it. I can't wait to see how this is gonna go. And the letters Are so freaking cute!!!! Can't wait for next chapter! XO
